Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Makin' it easy

Now a weekly segment featuring right-wingers who make my job easier.

Let's start things out with Rush Limbaugh:

He takes a call from a Dittohead. She asks why do the liberals want to go to Darfur when they want us out of Iraq.

His response word for word:

"Yeah, this is, you're not going to believe this. But it's very simple, and the sooner you believe it. The sooner you let this truth permeate the bounderies you have that tell you this is certainly not possible, the sooner you will understand Democrats and everything. You are right, they want to get us out of Iraq, but they can't wait to get us into Darfur. There are 2 reasons. What color is the skin of the people in Darfur?" "It's Black. And who do the Democrats really need to keep voting for them? If they lose a percentage of this voting block they are in trouble."

She answers "The black poplulation" (getting his listeners to spout his racism for him, classy)

"Right, so you go into Darfur, you go into South Africa, you get rid of the white government there..."

And it just goes on like that.

It's a good thing the right isn't racist. He is suggesting that black people the world over are somehow linked mentally. If you make the black people in Darfur happy, you'll get the black American vote. WTF?

Larry Craig. "I am not gay" enough said

Listen to Brit Hume, rewrite history.

"He was never very popular, even among the conservative base."


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