Friday, August 31, 2007

Hooray Conservatism

Admidst all the drama in the news lately, I happened to notice that on CNN they were reporting yet MORE food recalls. This includes another spinach recall.

This is one big reason why I am a liberal. Whenever a small government guy gets in charge, he lets the corporations run the government agencies. Bush's policy on domestic issues has been, privatize EVERYTHING. After all, it benefits to companies to put out good product, right. Wrong, it only hurts them to put out bad product if someone catches them.

We have had so many recalls of such a wide variety of products lately. Anyone wonder why? Surely this isn't Bush's fault right? While he may not have directly poisoned our food and children's toys, it was his lack of funding to domestic oversight programs that made it possible. The money that should have been used to pay people to inspect the organic ground beef that is now being taken off the market, has been given to Iraq and tax cuts that primarily help the rich.

Bravo, conservatives. Thank you for giving us the perfect demonstration why government is needed as a protector of the people from apathetic profiteering corporations.

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